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Life at TU / Campus Safety and Security

Campus Safety and Security

博彩平台推荐校园安全与保安是一个24小时运作的支持服务, seven days a week, to ensure the safety of all students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors. As a part of Student Affairs, 我们部门主要由学生管理,有15名保安人员, 当地拥有的第三方专业武装保安公司, 一名全职校园安全与保安主任和全职助理主任, 为TU校园提供全天候的专业安全保障.

campus safety & security logo

Office hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Patrol hours: 24/7
Location: Gillmor Student Center
Office Number: 419.448.3303.
24/7 Hour Duty Phone: 419.934.0721

jason dennis

Jason Dennis

Director of Campus Safety and Security

Stephanie Hatton

Assistant Director of Campus Safety & Security

Mission Statement

Tiffin University Campus Safety and Security, acting as problem-solvers and crime preventers, 为博彩平台推荐社区的所有成员提供一个安全可靠的环境, including students, faculty, staff and campus visitors. 博彩平台推荐校园安全与安保的使命是提高在TU的生活质量, 在建立基于包容性的协作社区伙伴关系的同时,哪些有利于学习, mutual respect, dignity and trust.


Information on Bee-Safe

Mission Statement

“Bee-Safe serves with PRIDE. 我们提倡并为每个人创造更安全的环境. Our professionals, through collaborated efforts and partnerships, go beyond protecting life and property when answering the call to service; “WHEN PROTECTION MATTERS

You can rely on our team serving with Professionalism, Respect, Integrity, Duty, and Excellence (PRIDE).”


What is SafeWalk?

安全步行计划旨在为博彩平台推荐的学生提供步行陪伴, staff, 教职员工和访客可能会感到不安全,因为他们在晚上独自行走在校园的任何建筑物之间, parking lot or residence hall.

SafeWalk services are available 24/7.

How does the SafeWalk Program Work?

You will be asked your name, telephone number, your location, and your intended destination, 一名博彩平台推荐校园安保人员会来协助护送您安全到达目的地.

How Do I Request a Service?

请致电或发短信419-934-0721申请SafeWalk服务. 视频陪护也可以通过WhatsApp应用程序获得.

Jump Starts


Vehicle Unlocks

校园安全与安保为在校车辆提供免费车辆解锁服务. 必须填写一份免除大学责任的弃权书.

Residence Hall Lock Outs

如果你把自己锁在大学宿舍外面, 请与校园安全部门联系,我们将为您提供帮助.

Lost and Found

校园安全办公室是大学失物招领处的主要地点. 如果您将物品放错地方或在校园内发现遗失物品,请博彩平台推荐的办公室.

Surveillance Requests


  • Enforce Tiffin University policies and regulations
  • Secure campus buildings and facilities
  • Respond to calls of service on campus
  • Respond to any emergency on campus
  • Enforce campus parking regulations
  • 在校园内为学生和教职员工提供陪同服务
  • 报告和回应校园维护情况
  • 维护校园社区的安全环境
  • Fairness, dignity and respect: 我们平等待人,以公平、尊严和尊重尊重每一个人
  • Accountability: 我们要对自己的决定、行动和疏漏负责.
  • Community: 在一个包容和开放的环境中,促进我们与TU校园社区的伙伴关系
  • Selflessness: 我们的行动是为了TU社区的利益和共同利益.
  • Integrity: 拥抱诚实的文化和强烈的道德原则.

Stay Safe

  • Program your phone with Campus Security’s number
  • Download the Dragon Shield mobile safety app
  • 在夜间独自行走或任何你感到不舒服的时候叫人护送
  • Know your surroundings
  • Report anything you deem suspicious
  • 离开不安全的环境并报告


  • Alcohol and other drugs can impair your perceptions and decision-making. 不要在醉酒或受其他药物影响的情况下将自己置于易受伤害的境地.
  • Travel in groups late at night. Often, there is safety in numbers. 如果你要离开你的团队,告诉别人你什么时候回来. Take a cell phone.
  • If you feel threatened, cross the street or enter a store or business.
  • Have your keys in hand as you approach your car. 上车前检查一下车底和后座.
  • Stash valuables in your trunk.
  • If you do drink, set a limit and stick to it. Don’t drink on an empty stomach. Also: Don’t leave a drink unattended. 如果你有一段时间没有喝饮料,就把它扔掉. It’s not worth the risk.

Out and about:

  • Use the Safewalk program. 巡逻队成员将在巡逻时间内护送学生往返于校园之间.
  • 如果你感到受到威胁,或者你想报告可疑的事情,请向校园保安报告.
  • 在你的手机上设置大学的校园安全程序: 419-934-0721. Or call 9-1-1.
  • Notify the Campus Security if you notice anything suspicious or unusual.

In the residence halls:

  • Always lock your door; even when you’re sleeping or just going down the hall.
  • 不要让陌生人进入你的房间或你的公寓. 除非你能认出要进来的人,否则不要开门.
  • Do not prop any exterior doors 开放,允许无人陪同的访客进入宿舍.
  • 立即报告宿舍钥匙丢失或被盗 to your residence hall staff.
  • 向宿舍生活人员报告任何锁、门或窗户的故障.
  • 当你不在房间的时候,不要把钥匙乱丢在房间里.
  • 不要在你的门上留言说你什么时候回你的房间.
  • End of the term? Load your car up just before you leave rather than the night before. 你绝对不希望贵重物品在你的车里显眼.

Living off-campus:

  • Don’t answer the door in the middle of the night unless you are expecting someone. 让你的房东在你的前门装个窥视孔.
  • 如果你要离开家,开着灯、收音机或电视,让它看起来好像有人在家.
  • Lock doors and windows. 如果没有门栓,请房东安装.
  • 如果路灯坏了,通知警察局.

Important Phone Numbers

Tiffin University Numbers 
Counseling/ Wellness419.448.3578
Health Center419.448.3429
Disability Services419.448.3021
Title IX419.448.3504
Student Affairs419.448.3264
On/ Off Campus Emergency Numbers911
Campus Safety and Security419.934.0721
Tiffin Police Department419.447.2323
Seneca County Sheriff’s Department419.447.3456
Firelands Crisis Hotline1.800.826.1306 or text 741.741
Mercy Hospital419.455.7000